Since 1961

Grown together over 60 years

Since 1961 delo has grown together with its customers, partners and employees. From truly modest beginnings to a leading provider of packaging films and film packagings - with the largest flexographic printing plant in Europe. On more than 50.000 m² of production and warehouse areas - thus assuring the absolute perfection of well-known companies' brand articles and own labels.

To make sure this stays the way it is, delo not only continiously invests in the latest plants and machinery but every year provides young people with training and further professional development. In the future as well we intend to develop further - in order to go on growing together.

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Our philosophy

We want to work with you

For us customer orientation is synonymous with product orientation because at delo the product is the focus of our work with you. With this in mind we manufacture flexible packaging systems, which are more than just a simple pack: They are an essential element as they protect, preserve and enhance product sales.

We see our work as part of your product, enhancing it with the latest in technology, excellent film quality and more 60 years' expertise - together with you on more than 50.000 m² production and warehouse areas. And as a family business good customer relations, quick response and a personal contact partner are important factors in this process. So why not benefit from our team of more than 350 members of staff, from trouble-free processing and from a perfect product? Welcome to delo!

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Individuality is a matter we take personally

The more individual todays products become, the greater their chance of being a selling success. Dialogue at delo means understanding your product, integrating requirements into the packaging product and developing a perfect packaging that is economical, functional and distinctive.

Personal expert advice from our staff and our continual support throughout the production process will help you discover a new flexibility. That`s how packaging concepts become a fundamental element of perfect products. 

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Together we experience how your products become perfect products - individually and personally.